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Airport Consultative Committee

We value the feedback of our stakeholders. It is what helps us continue to improve our operations to provide an airport experience that exceeds the expectations of our passengers.

Our statutory Airport Consultative Committee meets with airport management three times per year to exchange information and ideas on matters concerning the airport and to allow the views of interested parties to be raised.

Our ACC is comprised of an independent chairman, a deputy chairman, and representatives from local councils, residents’ groups, the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland, the Department for Infrastructure, airlines, local business organisations, charities and tourism bodies.

At each meeting, the Airport Consultative Committee considers:

  • Noise concerns
  • Performance against planning agreement measures such as flights after 21:30 hours and the Belfast Lough bias
  • Surface access
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility
  • The airport’s contribution to economic development and tourism in NI

You can view the minutes of our most recent Airport Consultative Committee meeting here, or email [email protected] for more information.

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